Hormone Replacement Therapy

As you age, the amount of hormones your body produces begins to decline. This decline in hormones can put you at risk for weak muscles and bones, fractures (broken bones), cardiovascular disease, and memory loss.

Balancing your hormones has shown many positive health benefits, including heart protection, increased energy, improved sleep, relief of anxiety and depression, help in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and body fat percentage, improved memory and cognition, and enhanced libido.

What is hormone replacement therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy at Revive Wellness uses bioidentical hormones, which are identical to those your body naturally produces, to balance hormones and improve the way you feel. The practice focuses on balancing the body as a whole using therapies such as estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, thyroid medications, and cortisol management

Revive Wellness also offers hormone replacement therapy for individuals with thyroid issues, such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, goiters, Hashimoto’s disease, and Grave’s disease.

Hormone replacement therapy comes in various forms, such as creams, fast-burst sublingual, injectables and pellets implanted beneath your skin. Our goal is to gather information, and mutually agree on the best method of delivery for you!

Pellet therapy:

Pellet therapy is a sustainable hormone delivery method for bioidentical hormone therapy. Every three to six months, your provider inserts a pellet made of bioidentical hormones under the patient’s skin, usually on the upper portion of the buttocks. The pellets, containing customized levels of estradiol or testosterone, are slowly metabolized by your body over the course of three to four months, releasing the bioidentical hormone in a similar way to the way your body’s natural hormones are secreted.

What are the benefits of hormone replacement therapy?

Men or women experience many benefits when choosing hormone replacement therapy at Revive Wellness.

Benefits for men

  • Less erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Improved sexual functioning
  • Increased sperm production
  • Healthy weight management
  • Leaner body composition
  • More energy
  • Thicker hair
  • Less depression
  • Faster metabolism
  • Increase in sexual desire
  • Improvements in the quality of life

Benefits for women

  • Reduced vaginal dryness
  • Fewer hot flashes and night sweats
  • Reduced menopause symptoms
  • Fewer mood swings and brain fog
  • Fewer irregular or heavy periods
  • Healthy weight management
  • Leaner body composition
  • More energy
  • Thicker hair
  • Less depression
  • Faster metabolism
  • Increase in sexual desire
  • Improvements in the quality of life

Hormone balance can help you look younger, feel better, and maintain optimal body functions.

Is hormone replacement therapy right for me?

To find out if hormone replacement therapy is the right treatment for you, your expert at Revive Wellness reviews your medical history, lifestyle, and symptoms. They check your blood pressure and other vital signs, complete a physical exam, and order blood tests to assess your current hormone levels before personalizing a hormone therapy treatment plan just for you.

What should I expect during hormone replacement therapy

During your treatment, it’s important to follow your provider’s instructions and attend follow-up sessions to ensure your treatment works as designed.

Revive Wellness partners with Belmar Pharmacy, a nationally recognized compounding pharmacy that customizes hormone prescriptions. They are the best 503A and 503B compounding pharmacy in the country and specialize in making pellets for hormone replacement therapy.

During pellet implantation, your provider numbs the skin near your upper buttocks and inserts a tiny pellet. There’s no downtime afterward. The hormone pellet gradually releases bioidentical hormones into your bloodstream over time. Every few months, or as needed, your specialist can replace the pellet to ensure your hormone levels remain in balance.

If a non-pellet treatment is chosen, you will be provided with a prescription to obtain customized treatment from Belmar or your preferred compounding pharmacy.

Adopting healthy habits also helps keep your hormone levels in check. Maintain a healthy body weight, eat nutritious foods, get regular exercise, and keep stress levels low.

To learn more about hormone replacement therapy at Revive Wellness and find out if it’s right for you, call the office or use the online booking tool today.