Patient Resources

We want to be transparent with each patient and help as many as possible. Please understand we are a small private practice that has limited staff, and we strive to answer all patient inquiries. PLEASE use this form before contacting us as your answer may be here.

Appointment preparation

Here you can find essential instructions to prepare for your Initial consultation or lab review appointment. By following these steps, you help us ensure and deliver a relaxed, efficient, and timely visit, allowing us to focus on delivering the best quality care possible


Prior to your initial consultation, you will be sent a series of forms and consents. These forms must be completed at least 48 hours prior to your visit to allow your provider the time necessary to review and prepare for your visit. If your consents for treatment are not completed prior to this timeline, your visit will be rescheduled to the next available date. If you are having difficulty completing your consents, please contact a member of our team so they can assist you in a timely manner. We are a paperless, electronic office where all consents will be done electronically.

Medical records:

To maximize your time with your provider, please send us any relevant medical records that can help assist the provider in gathering all accurate medical information. You can email these prior to your visit. We need relevant office notes and blood work that is less than 6 months old. Please note that even if you have had recent blood work, the provider may request additional lab markers to ensure we have the most comprehensive information possible.

Your Visit:

All visits will be conducted virtually through video or phone visits (minus pellet appointments). You will be sent a link for your appointment only after consents are completed, within 24 hours prior to your appointment. Please arrive 5 minutes early for your Zoom meeting, the provider will let you in at the time of your appointment. We pride ourselves in giving you our undivided attention. Please make sure you are in a quiet place where you can give your undivided attention to your visit. If you are over 5 minutes late for your visit, it will be rescheduled.

**Please note that we are following FDA guidelines for telehealth visits and making adjustments as they come. Currently an in-office visit is not required to receive treatment as long as you live in one of the listed states, we are license din SC, NC, FL, AZ. As this changes we will adjust which may include a once a year in office visit with physical exam. **


Pellet therapy is a common and effective way to replace hormones see Hormone Replacement Therapy for more information. If this is your chosen method to replace hormone therapy, this will be scheduled in the office for a 10-minute procedure. Pellets are done in the office on Wednesdays only. Please note that there are post operative instructions that are imperative to follow in order for you to have the most comfortable and effective placement.

  • Prior to your procedure: Please avoid NSAIDS, Tylenol, and alcohol for 24 hours
  • After your procedure: It is imperative to follow post procedure instructions. These will able be emailed to you after your procedure.
    • Females: Avoid strenuous exercise including heavy squatting, cycling, stair stepper, biking for 3-4 days post your procedure. Avoid baths, pools, hot tubs, or any kind of swimming for 3-4 days. Please follow strictly to the post op guidelines to keep the incision dry and clean. Failure to do so may result in expulsion of the pellet, and replacement will be AT COST to the patient.
    • Males Avoid strenuous exercise including heavy squatting, cycling, stair stepper, biking for 7 days post your procedure. Avoid baths, pools, hot tubs, or any kind of swimming for 7 days. Please follow strictly to the post op guidelines to keep the incision dry and clean. Failure to do so may result in expulsion of the pellet, and replacement will be AT COST to the patient.
  • If you know you are not able to follow these instructions in the days following your procedure due to planned workouts, events, trips/vacations, we ask you to please reschedule your visit.

Lab work:

For new patients the initial workup includes comprehensive blood work, we utilize LabCorp and RUPA for those who are uninsured. To help quickly facilitate your follow up appointment we ask that you only utilize our preferred labs, if labs are conducted outside of these two preferred options, it is the patient's responsibility to gather and send labs to the office prior to your visit. Please note if they leave off key markers, we will ask you to redraw at our preferred labs. Please note this may delay getting you scheduled for your follow up and issuing medication refills.

For follow up visit's patients will need to complete blood work 10-14 days prior to their scheduled visit. A lab slip will be sent to you via email, please allow time to test prior to your visit. If you are utilizing RUPA, please note you must order your testing kit at least 14 days prior to your visit to allow shipment, and time for blood drawing and processing. You will be able to access your labs in the LabCorp portal, or RUPA portal. At the time of your lab appointment please give the tech your insurance card, the lab will handle all claims, please do not contact the office.

What if I'm on thyroid medication?

On the day you get labs done, take your thyroid medication in the morning as usual and then get your blood drawn according to your medication type below:

  • Armour Thyroid, NP thyroid, compounded T3/T4: 3-4 hours later.
  • Cytomel / Liothyronine (not compounded): 2-3 hours later.
  • Synthroid / Levothyroxine / Tirosint: You can have your blood drawn any time of day while on these medications, unless instructed otherwise

Please take the time to prepare questions prior to your visit. This will allow you and your provider to utilize the time in your appointment effectively and make the decisions together that are best for your health!